Plasma Pen Fibroblasting
Skin Tightening Treatment

Service Description
Plasma Pen is the world's most advanced, non-invasive, skin lifting, skin tightening and rejuvenation device used to treat wrinkles, and sagging, dull skin. The Plasma Pen is an FDA approved, CE approved device used to perform fibroblast therapy, a technique used to stimulate production of collagen in the skin. How long will it take to see the results from a plasma pen treatment? You will typically see immediate tightening and even better, there is continued improvement over the next three months in the appearance of saggy skin as more fibroblasts and collagen develop. In some cases it may require more than one session depending on the desired results. Is the Plasma Pen procedure painful? Plasma Pen is mildly to moderately uncomfortable. Everyone’s pain level is different and some areas of the body are more sensitive than others. Numbing cream is helpful in reducing the discomfort during treatment. What are the risks of plasma pen treatment? The Plasma Pen is comparatively safe, considering the more invasive plastic surgery procedures. No procedure is without risks and it’s important to understand there are risks to fibroblasting or a plasma pen treatment. The risks include: Swelling and bruising Scabbing and crusting Skin discoloration What downtime can I expect after a plasma pen treatment? The normal downtime is an average of: 5 to 8 days on the face and neck areas. Swelling usually begins the day following your treatment, and peaks around day 3. After day 3, swelling subsides and tiny scabs form. Scabs normally begin to fall off around day 6 and 7 (for face and neck) and 10-15 days for lips. Healing time and results may be negatively compromised by not following the recommended after care protocol especially no smoking and no picking/scrubbing. Preparing the skin for treatment: 7 days before treatment STOP using acids. Apply hyaluronic acid twice a day, moisturizer twice a day and sunscreen. RESULTS LAST 12-36 MONTHS *Lips Volumizer – $720 *Plasma Rhinomodelation – $810 *Forehead lines – $510 *Nasolabial Fold – 250 *Upper Eyes – $340 *Lower Eyes – $340 *Full Eye Area - $620 *Crows Feet - $340 *Jawlines – $530 *Hands (for both) – $630 *Neck – $620 *Arms (upper arm) – $800 *Arms (lower arm) – $800 *Stomach - $1250 *Knees (for both) - $800 *Full Face - $1430 *Breast Lift - $850 AFTER CARE PRODUCTS INCLUDED.